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Our History


On May 8, 1962, 143 God believing men, women and children assembled at New Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for the purpose of organizing a church. Reverend Roscoe Jackson was invited to this assembly to provide spiritual guidance. It was prayerfully decided that the church would be named Greater New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church and that Reverend Roscoe Jackson would serve as our first official senior pastor.

We met and conducted services at New Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for the month of May 1962. In the month of June, we moved into a local Y.M.C.A. building. As we proceeded to have services there, trusting in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He added to the church tremendously and our membership grew to 385 members.
In January 1964, we moved into the sanctuary at 3165 Northwest 56th Street. Our membership continued to rapidly grow. We were thankful to God for the leadership and spiritual guidance provided by Pastor Roscoe Jackson during our early years. Under his leadership, 16 auxiliaries were organized. One of our proudest moments was when we were blessed to burn our mortgage in 1977. The Corner Stone was laid at Macedonia on March 18, 1979. 


January 1, 1996, our church at 3167 Northwest 56 Street was destroyed by fire.  We were blessed to find and rent an edifice located at 2908 Northwest 62 Street.  We worshiped there until we moved to another place of worship located at 2741 Northwest 49 Street. 
Reverend Roscoe Jackson, our first pastor announced his retirement to the church on June 29, 2006, due to personal health concerns. After over 44 years of pastoring, Reverend Roscoe Jackson officially retired from the Greater New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church on September 24, 2006. Reverend Roscoe Jackson now serves as Pastor Emeritus of Greater New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church.
Reverend Jackson recommended that Reverend Sherman Mungin succeeds him as pastor

of Greater New Macedonia. The body accepted his choice. Therefore, in December 2006,

Reverend Sherman Mungin became the second  Pastor in the life of our church.
Under Pastor Mungin's leadership, the church continued to grow and expand. In February

2012, the Lord blessed us to proudly march into our newly built church facility located at

3167 Northwest 56th Street. The building includes a beautiful sanctuary, large fellowship

hall with state of the art kitchen area, and over ten classrooms and office spaces. In the fall

of 2013, Reverend Mungin’s announced that his tenure at Greater New Macedonia had come

to an end.

As we began our process of searching for a senior pastor, God sustained the church. Answering an impromptu call to preach on a Sunday morning in December, Reverend Alphonso J. Jackson, Jr. became a person of interest for the church. This was an exciting and pivotal moment for the pastoral search process. The process continued and culminated on April 2, 2014, when the Greater New Macedonia Church officially called Pastor Jackson as their senior pastor.
Under the leadership of Pastor Al Jackson, Jr., the Greater New Macedonia Church has experienced tremendous growth in multiple areas of ministry. New initiatives and ministerial opportunities, as well as strong partnerships and fellowships, have continued the development and advancement of our local community and the Kingdom of God. Through the teaching of God's Word, we have discovered our God given purpose as a church family. Pastor Alphonso Jackson Jr. completed his assignment to Greater New Macedonia in December 2021. 







          Continuing to build upon the rich legacy and faith, God assigned a well qualified shepherd           to continue on His vision for the church. Rev. Ross Pierre Sr., was elected  as the Senior                Pastor in June 2022. Pastor Pierre continues to build on the Vision of the Greater New                   Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church and has charged the church to Exercise Great Faith            in this next season. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have                entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 


                  The desire to please Christ and serve Him through serving His people is evident in the life of our ministry. It's undeniable that the best is yet to come for The Greater New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church as we endeavor to continue to the "Church of L.O.V.E. through leadership, outreach, values, and excellence.

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Sunday School: 9:30 am

Sunday Worship Times: 11 am

Tuesday Bible Study: 7 pm

3167 NW 56th Street         Office: 305.633.7340

Miami, FL  33142


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